
This module implements local permissions and adds endpoints for modifying and getting permissions

Default Access Levels

The MMS includes 3 hierarchical levels of permissions in the default implementation. Permissions are inherited from the parent level.

Organization level

Permissions on this level are inherited by the Project and Branch level by default.

Project level

Permissions on this level are inherited by the Branch level by default.

Branch level

Permissions on this level are not inherited.

From these levels, 3 levels of access permissions are provided by default:


Can read and write all elements. Can also access admin level operations.


Can read and write all elements on this level.


Can read all elements on this level.

Setting Permissions

The Permissions module provides several REST endpoints for managing permissions.


Update permissions for organizations.


Update permissions for projects.


Update permissions for branches.

For each of these endpoints, a payload must be sent with acceptable values

Permissions acceptable values

  "users / groups": {
    "action": "MODIFY / REPLACE / REMOVE",
    "permissions": [
        "name": "USERNAME",
        "role": "ADMIN / WRITER / READER"
  "inherit": true,
  "public": true

More Information

For more information, see the OpenAPI Documentation.